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air force one 空軍一號〔美國總統的專用座機〕。

But only one calls itself “ the in - flight magazine of air force one . 但是只有一種雜志自稱是“空軍一號的隨行雜志” 。

“ the in - flight magazine of air force one “ - “空軍一號的隨行雜志” -

“ the in - flight magazine of air force one “ - - “空軍一號的隨行雜志” - -

air france

Recently , i saw one of the great new sites there is to see in southern california . i went to simi valley as the guest of bill chatfield , who is the director of the selective service system . he invited me to an event at the reagan presidential library where i had the opportunity to listen to nancy reagan speak and see the new building which houses air force one , the 707 airplane which was used by ronald reagan when he was president 昨天我參觀了加州一個新地方,我去了士美谷,作澤菲的客人他是好服務的總裁,他邀請我前往列根圖書館,在那兒我有機會聽南茜演講,也有機會看到在這寬敞的建筑物里的新展品:一架707客機,那是一幢很大的建筑物。

At the end of an 18 - hour return trip from manila , as air force one is about to begin its descent into andrews air force base , a cockpit indicator light leads the crew to believe that the landing gear might not be locked down 空軍一號經過四十八小時飛行,正載著杰克、心靜等白宮幕僚回國,當準備降落安德魯空軍基地之際,機師突然發出著陸裝置故障的訊息,機組人員在飛機于半空盤旋之際進行搶修及檢查。

To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday . it ' s their 29th wedding anniversary 為了給勞拉慶祝生日,布什專門為她準備了一個椰子蛋糕,并在總統專機“空軍一號”上安排了一個生日會,還送上一條綠寶石項鏈和一對配套耳環作為生日禮物。

To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday . it s their 29th wedding anniversary 為了給勞拉慶祝生日,布什專門為她準備了一個椰子蛋糕,并在總統專機“空軍一號”上安排了一個生日會,還送上一條綠寶石項鏈和一對配套耳環作為生日禮物。

To mark that occasion , she was given a coconut cake aboard air force one and the president gave her a green glass stone necklace and matching earrings . the bushes have another reason to celebrate sunday 為了給勞拉慶祝生日,布什專門為她準備了一個椰子蛋糕,并在總統專機“空軍一號”上安排了一個生日會,還送上一條綠寶石項鏈和一對配套耳環作為生日禮物。

Us president george w . bush holds his dog barney and saluteswhiledeparting air force one at tstc in waco , texas beforespending aweek at his central texas ranch in crawford decr 26 , 2006 2006年12月26日,美國總統布什離開空軍一號,在韋科tstc機場懷抱寵物狗巴尼向大家告別。此前的一周,布什總統都待在德克薩斯中部克勞福德農場。

When air force one ? or the spirit of 76 , as we then called it ? landed at peking ' s airport on february 21 , 1972 , i was keenly aware that the world would never again be the same 1972年2月21日當“空軍一號” ? ?后來我們稱為“ 1976年精神號”座機? ?降落在北京機場時,我強烈地意識到世界將再也不會是原樣的了。

Lyndon b . johnson was sworn - in as the 36th president of the united states aboard air force one after the assassination of president john f . kennedy in dallas , texas 1963年,在當時的美國總統約翰f ?肯尼迪在德州的達拉斯遇刺后,林登?約翰遜在空軍一號上宣誓成為美聯眾的第三十六任總統。

Tensions in air force one and on the ground grow as people become increasingly concerned that someone may have tampered with the airplane 當機組人員懷疑空軍一號的故障是遭人刻意破壞時,立即令機內及地面的控制室的氣氛頓時變得緊張,到底誰人要行弒總統?

The famous picture of johnson ' s swearing - in on air force one after the assassination of president kennedy has valenti in the background 肯尼迪總統遇刺之后,約翰遜在空軍一號上宣誓繼任,這個著名的場面被拍攝下來,瓦倫提正在畫面的背景之中。

The radio call sign for aircraft used to transport the president of the united states . any aircraft used to carry the president is referred to as air force one 無線電呼叫代碼,專指美國總統專機。任何載有美國總統的飛機都叫空軍一號。

H . r . haldeman sits besides nixon on air force one pointing to a map in the president ' s lap . says haldeman : “ this would be a good place to jump 人名)在空軍一號上指著尼克松膝蓋上的地圖說, “在這兒跳,這是個好地方。 ”

Svenska : lyndon b . johnson sv ? r presidenteden ombord p ? air force one efter mordet p ? john f . kennedy den 22 november 1963 中文(簡體) ? : 1963年11月22日美國總統肯尼迪在達拉斯遇刺身亡后,約翰遜在空軍一號上宣誓接任總統。

Svenska : lyndon b . johnson sv ? r presidenteden ombord p ? air force one efter mordet p ? john f . kennedy den 22 november 1963 簡體中文: 1963年11月22日美國總統肯尼迪在達拉斯遇刺身亡后,約翰遜在空軍一號上宣誓接任總統。

This is the airport facility for the “ air force one ” , the 747 , used when president bush takes holidays at his texas ranch 這里的設施是為“空軍一號”服務的? ?就是布什總統回他的德克薩斯農場度假所乘坐的747 。

Air force one 空中一號